But what's a deer to do? You can't walk forward - you're limited to 360 degree rotation. As a result, you'll probably have the deer use an inordinate amount flatulence, ultimately scaring the targets away as do too many decoy calls. The actual hunting action is so slow you're forced to play with the game's few devices while biding your time. Eventually, though, the deer's comments become so repetitive they begin to grate on your nerves. Some even have a philosophical edge by referring to what a bad decision it was to purchase the game or how dull it is (as if playing the game were some sort of meta-experience). Some of the comments, such as "Here, drunky drunky" when he's trying to locate a redneck to shoot, are humorous. An interesting twist, when compared to the "silent hunter" model of standard hunting games, is that the deer (your character) talks to himself. While the product certainly has more features than some low-budget hunting games, execution is simply awful. Unfortunately, a funny premise does not always make for a funny game and Deer Avenger is definitely a case in point.

The thought of a parody in which you play a deer seeking vengeance on hunters who have mercilessly mutilated and destroyed your brethren seems as though it might be funny and rewarding. Even if you are one who loathes hunting games of all shapes and sizes, you should look forward to playing Deer Avenger.