A more dangerous enemy reveals itself after he makes landfall, though: Australian real-estate speculators are buying up property throughout the Tri-Island Area, with the aim of turning a scurvy pirates' den into a safe, friendly vacation destination. Gameplay The particular Mighty Pirate in question is Guybrush Threepwood, home from his honeymoon with the lovely Elaine Marley after surviving his third encounter with evil Captain LeChuck. Do your part to support your local Mighty Pirate. If you have the console, there's no reason to favor the PC version, and if you've ever enjoyed a good adventure or a good laugh, there's no reason to pass this game up at all. Monkey Island has, in fact, made it to PS2 almost entirely intact - in fact, with extras in tow. Personally, I was a Golden Age veteran, playing lots of Space Quest, King's Quest, and text adventures before the upgrade curve beat me, so it's great to be able to get into a Lucasarts game now, with no bugs or installs or hardware constraints to dither about. Though it was touched rather lightly by the famous staff that worked on most of the classic Lucasarts adventure games, it carries on their spirit of clever humor and puzzle design, going back through the Silver Age of Full Throttle and Sam and Max to the true Golden Age driven by Sierra and Infocom. Escape from Monkey Island represents the kind of game that could bring it back.