Find your way with voice navigation and turn-by-turn driving, transit, and walking directions. Quickly type or write it on your desktop, and you can even sync across devices. Just tap the calendar icon at the bottom of. You can create a Calendar event directly from an email without leaving Gmail. Any. One of its best features is the color code mechanism available on Google Calendar as well as the default Windows calendar app. You follow the below steps to add your Google account: Hold the Windows key and press R to open Run box. The Any.do Windows calendar app has a nice and clean interface that’s convenient to use as well.

You can sign in to your Google account in the default calendar to sync your Google Calendar and its events. Grocery lists, home improvement projects, books to read-use a Sticky Note to help you remember. As you can see in the animation below, the new feature is straightforward. The default Calendar for Windows 10 supports Outlook, Exchange, Google, and iCloud accounts. The most popular app to view all your calendars like Google, Live, Outlook, iCloud, Exchange, Office365, Yahoo, Nextcloud, Synology, GMX,, ownCloud and more. See what’s newĬoordinate schedules, plan family game night-with the Calendar app 3 you can easily see what’s on the agenda and stay a step ahead.

Stay on top of your day with the Mail and Calendar apps. , Gmail, iCloud, and Yahoo!-they're all in one place, making it easy to send messages and schedule appointments with your most important people. Not only does it come with a great set of editing tools, but it also has a smart search function, and convenient ways to share 5 your photos with friends and family. Microsoft Photos has everything you need to keep your digital memories organized.